Male reproductive and urologic diseases

Among the most common diseases of male genitalia are a number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases.

Many diseases of the male reproductive system are common among patients in active reproductive age. The close specialty in urology, which is studying and helping with these conditions is called Andrology. It includes a number of diseases that affect sexual and reproductive system of males.

Among the most common diseases of male genitalia are a number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory diseases.

They affect the organs of the male reproductive system:

• Prostate gland
• Seminal vesicles
• Vas Deferens (Ductus Deferens)
• Testicles
• Penis
• Scrotum
• Others

There are two primary disorders affecting the external reproductive organs, including penis and testicular disorders. Conditions of the penis and testes affect the patients’ sexual functioning and also fertility.

Penis disorders

Among the most wide-spread conditions and disorders affecting the penis are:

• Priapism
• Peyronie's disease
• Balanitis
• Phimosis
• Paraphimosis
• Penile cancer

Male Reproductive System Diseases

Hypospadias – a condition where the external urinary opening is below the tip of the organ.

Hydrocele – swelling on the side of the scrotum (the fluid filled sac that is partially surrounding the testis). This condition can cause strong discomfort, but is often easily corrected by surgery.

Varicocele – is a name that suggests dilation and twisting of the veins of the testis, causing a swelling on the side of the scrotum. It is usually surgically corrected. This disorder is sometimes causing discomfort and can cause reduced sperm count and sterility.

Cryptorchid – “hidden testicle”, means the lack of descent of (one or both) testes in the scrotum. This can lead to sterility and risk of testicular cancer if not treated (surgically) before puberty.

BPH (Benign prostatic hypertrophy) – is a swelling of the prostate gland, that causes difficulty urinating, dribbling and nocturia that becomes more common with older age.

Urethritis - a relatively common inflammatory condition that also can be transmitted sexually.

Among the main causes of the disease are:

• Infections
• Mechanical causes
• Chemical causes
• Allergic causes

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